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Common Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Recovery

Infographic: Common Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Recovery

Infographic: Common Myths About Supporting a Family Member in Recovery


When you’re supporting a loved one in the recovery process, it’s normal to feel uncertain about what the best course of action is. You might be asking yourself: When should I speak up? How do I even start a conversation about addiction? What role am I supposed to play? How can I be helpful without enabling their addiction or pushing them away? 

And while there are some best practices you can lean on (here’s our guide), there are also common misconceptions that can be detrimental to the recovery process. Here, we’ll go over some of the most prevalent myths about supporting a family member in recovery and provide ideas about more effective approaches. 

For more details, read the original article here.

Nothing contained herein should be construed as caregiving, financial, investment, tax, or legal advice. Always consult the appropriate advisor for your specific situation.

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