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Nominations Open for the 2022 Grant for Best Practices in Person-Centered Support

Nominations Open for the 2022 Grant for Best Practices in Person-Centered Support


For years, True Link has been on a mission to empower guardians, conservators, and fiduciaries as they support their clients’ independence and well-being. As a part of that mission, True Link offers an annual grant to support those who are actively working to promote standards, collaboration, and robust systems of oversight in person-centered support. It’s awarded to field builders — those advancing the field through the implementation and dissemination of best practices that support these professionals and the individuals they work to serve day in and day out.

Today, we’re excited to announce that nominations are now open for our 2022 Grant for Best Practices in Person-Centered Support!

You can submit a nomination for yourself or someone else right here.

Since 2018, our grants have aided efforts to promote the adoption of supported decision-making arrangements instead of guardianship, advocate for the creation of statewide standards and oversight for guardianship, and train family members to provide person-centered support for their loved ones.

The selected grant recipient will receive a stipend of $2,500 to be used for activities devoted to sharing best practices in person-centered support. This may include:

  • promoting better standards
  • advancing supported decision-making principles
  • identifying and addressing abuse
  • breaking down professional silos
  • promoting better assessments of individual limitations and needs for support
  • educating the public about decision-making options and decision support
  • helping family guardians through standards, training, and assistance

We are honored to be able to support and empower leaders in the field through this grant. We look forward to receiving your submissions in the coming weeks and learning about all the inspiring work that this community does each and every day.

You can submit nominations for yourself or someone else for this award by November 22, 2022.

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